Monday, December 20, 2010

Eclipse DVD-Release Party

At the beginning of this month, Shana (who just started her own party planning blog: Party Profiles!) & I hosted an Eclipse DVD-release party. We planned everything in red, black & white, had tons of food to eat, & had a blast with our friends . . . minus the fact that Will kept coming downstairs when he was supposed to be in bed, so I ended up staying with him upstairs until Scott got home to take over. And Shana was so tired, she fell asleep part way through, so decided to just head home early.
Some favorites: chocolate cookies w/ chocolate frosting & jam thumbprints.
Shana also took these glass bottles & made a sparkling lemonade/cranberry juice/Sprite concoction for us to drink.

Sandi, Tammy, me, Jen, Crystal, Shana (the other guests hadn't arrived yet)

And wait - we had a surprise! Not just Jacob this time - Edward was able to come along too!
(thanks to Lynette)


  1. awesome! i wish we lived closer, i'd be all over these fabulous parties!! oh and by the way, i'm totally Team Emmett (the actor... yummy hunk of beef)


    looks like it was so much fun!


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