Saturday, November 3, 2007

The next step.

The fertility process is such a long and difficult one. I have already had one horrific test to see if I'm "all clear" in the tubal area (Did you know the tubes take up about two inches in your body, and they are about as thin as ribbon dental floss? I was shocked.), Scott's had to take his own test, and today I finished all the blood work I needed to do (they needed to test me for ten different things, so they took five tubes worth of blood, and three of them were the biggest tubes they have - my hand was tingling close to the end, and now, an hour later, my arm is bruised and weak). This process sucks! But at least I can finally make an appointment to see a doctor and move on to the next step - hopefully Clomid.
Scott and I have our ups and downs with this whole situation, but we are still hopeful that we will be able to start a family. We try not to let it overwhelm us and get us down, but rather focus on other aspects of our life to distract us from the stress of starting a family - or the inability to do so. We are so grateful for all of the prayers on our behalf, and we love you all.


  1. I know it must be hard for the two of you. Luckily they were wrong but I remember when they told me that I wouldn't be able to have kids unless I did some type of fertility-I was devastated. I am always amazed at how strong you both are and I know that you will be wonderful parent when the time comes.

  2. We are so sorry that you have to experience this level of difficulty but, because you are this open about your struggle it is also empowering. You are tough!

    Don't let it get you down either. Everything will be ok!

    Have you been told our Christmas Travel plans as yet? It's crazy the things some folk will do for an In N Out burger!

    We love you Liz

    SD PErryman

  3. I hope you have a baby!!! I will keap praying for you.

  4. I'm impressed with how brave you were about your blood work. I used to get light headed with blood work until I was much older than you. You're becoming a tough lady! I just wish you'd become a tough lady a different way. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. We love you so much and ALWAYS have you in our prayers (and your name often in the temple).

  5. You guys are a great couple. Don't worry... Everything will be fine. You guys will be great parents when the time comes. Try to take it easy, don't overwhelm yourselves with the situation. You guys are in our prayers. We love you guys! Let us know if you need anything

  6. We love you Liz! We hope you can have babies, because they would be beautiful. Good luck with everything. PS I loved the Halloween costume.

  7. Keep the Faith! I'm sorry it has been a long and stressful process. We'll pray for it to get better and help you have a little one soon! :)

  8. Good luck with everything, I hope it will happen for you really soon! I don't know how much I can do for you all the way in Utah, but if you never need, even just to talk, PLEASE let me know! I'm thinking about you!

  9. I hope everything works out, I'm thinking of you!!

  10. We will keep you in your prayers! We love you!

  11. i admire your strength liz, i always have...but you never cease to amaze me. i pray for you every you. IT WILL HAPPEN!

  12. Yay you have finally made a little progress! I hope you get to go on Clomid, even though I have heard it sucks, it will be worth it in the end. Keep your chin up and take care of yourself, and don't get too frustrated with annoying doctors, because there will probably be many to come. And to second Cait, IT WILL HAPPEN!

  13. I hope you have a baby and I will keep praying for you. I love you and hope to see you and a new baby soon.

  14. Lizzy and Scotty-

    The time will come when it is right in the way that Heavenly Father has prepared for you, of this I am sure. I love you both and I know you are both so strong, look at all you have been through this far. I hope that these efforts produce a result for you soon, I cannot wait for baby Scottabeth to arrive. LOL!

  15. Call Aunt Jaynee if you get frustrated, she is the queen of infertility frustration! I always went to her, ok, she's also my mom. Liz-- I too went through this infertility crap (that's what it is) and I too had that dye test (and they said it wouldn't hurt, lies all lies). But lo and behold, Clomid was my magic pill. I hope it's your magic pill as well. Now I have Kate & Sofia! Call me if you ever want to talk, vent or yell (or all) I cried a lot- but hey, I am not as mature as you are! : ) I love you!

  16. Hi, I'm Wendy Wasden and you may not remember me but I'm from the Alamo 1 ward. I happened to find your link through Jenny Stapleys blog. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I know just how you feel. My husband and I have been trying to have a child for 3 years now and its been such a huge trial for us. Its just really emotionally painful to have to go through infertility. We have now decided to go the adoption route. But I just wanted you to know that I know what its like and how hard it is to go through.


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