There is something infinitely beautiful about everyday life. It's the small & simple things that make us who we are . . . the small & simple choices that add up, one on top of the other, until our values & priorities are defined. Slowing down & capturing our lives as they are instead of just showing the "pretty" or idealized moments, gives us a glimpse of what is truly important to us. It offers the opportunity to see beauty all around us, even in the seemingly mundane moments.
This 10 on 10 project gives me the chance to capture life as it really is. Time moves so quickly, & before we know it, it has disappeared with so many intimate & precious moments lost with it.
Here's the gist:
10 photographers take
10+ photographs spaced over
10 hours of a single day
posted on the 10th of each month
I decided to post an extended version of the project on this blog b/c I'm too sentimental & want to share more pictures than is necessary for the actual project on my
photo blog.
8:00 am - Will was throwing a tantrum & wouldn't stop crying while in the shower & after getting out.

9:00 am - Will watched neighbors outside the bathroom window while I got ready (& took pics). He saw a woman walking by & got super excited yelling out "Grandma!" (she wasn't even the same ethnicity - haha).
Will then played with his monster truck in the bathtub while Ruby started to get fussy.
I took a self-portrait (kind of embarassing, but hey, whatever).

10:00 am - Will helped me give Ruby a bath, & then I got her fixed up right nice, so she wouldn't "spill" (as Will calls it) all over the floor.

11:00 am - play time: the "Keep Calm and Carry On" sign says it all.

12:00 pm - cuddling with Ruby after she's finished her lunch.

1:00 pm - met up with Scott & some friends at Chic-fil-A

2:00 pm - stopped at the grocery store, apparently for chocolate milk. Will kept finding random goodies to throw in the cart.

3:00 pm - Our Christmas Elf came to visit our home for the holidays. Will named him "Elfie." I know, you wish your kid was this creative, but not everyone's so blessed. ;)

4:00 - Will & I made Jam Thumbprints.
5:00 - Enjoying our yummy cookies!