Drew, Sarah, Cole, & Brad

I have been craving honey nut cheerios with strawberries accompanied by a glass of chocolate Silk (brand of soy milk). I've eaten it at least every morning for the past few weeks, if not for dinner as well. In the last month or so, I've poured choc. Silk into my cereal instead of regular milk at least five times. I have a bad case of baby brain.
Last week, I went to San Francisco to visit Caitlin. We looked around at a bunch of baby stores (she had to return all of her baby boy clothes because she found out she's having a girl instead), we ate really good deli sandwiches while sitting on a curb between parked cars (we had to keep getting up and moving because people kept coming and going in their cars. We were pretty pathetic with our attempts at getting up and down quickly, and would both moan at the same time when trying to sit down again. I wish we had pictures of us like that.) We then went to an A's game that night with Cait's hubby and sat in the first row. We had our own server and everything. On my way home that night, I was extremely low on gas and my cell phone battery was basically dead. I was driving in a sketchy area and had the choice of my car breaking down on the freeway or pulling off to get gas in a neighborhood that didn't have the best reputation for being a safe place. I called Scott while he was at work, and he told me to pull off at a Chevron (higher priced gas = less likely to have thugs hanging around). (Keep in mind that my cell phone was dying, so I had to stay on the phone with Scott as little as possible.) I finally spotted a Chevron off the freeway, so I exited. However, when I got off the freeway, the street was completely black. There were no lights, and I had to wind my way around town and make a horseshoe back to the Chevron on the other side of the freeway. There were men walking along the streets, I was alone in my car, it was really late at night, and I couldn't waste anytime talking on my dying phone unless absolutely necessary. I finally got to the gas station where I immediately noticed that all the pumps were "stopped." There was a man sitting in his car at the station with his door wide open and a hooded sweatshirt on. I finally parked my car at a pump and started walking to the little store to ask the girls inside why the pumps were down. As I'm doing this, I hear the man say, "Oh, how cute." I thought he was taunting me, so I tried to ignore him. The store door was locked, so I looked over at the man. He had a big smile on his face and asked, "How far along are you?" He had actually noticed that I was pregnant (not many people had up to that point), and was making small chat. I felt relieved right away that he was being friendly to me. He informed me that the girls inside the store were trading shifts, so he was waiting for the pumps to turn back on too. He then asked me if I was married, told me it was a shame I was pregnant because he was on his way to a party that night that I would probably like, and then told me I had beautiful eyes. Scott was trying to call me in the middle of all this to make sure I was okay (he was terrified for me). I filled my tank up part way, got directions for how to get back to the freeway without having to go through town again, and took off. As soon as I got on the freeway, I started bawling. I was so scared. I'm so glad that I made it home safely . . . I know Heavenly Father was definitely looking out for me.
At the A's game (sorry for posting the picture Cait, but blogs always look better with pictures, even if it isn't the best one we've ever taken together).
The Cheescake Factory just recently opened here, so Scott and I went there with some friends of ours. We ordered this huge burger to share. Their serving sizes are outrageous, but the food is so good.Tiffani and Andrew
I actually look more pregnant without Scott's hand on my belly (maybe if his hand wasn't flattening my stomach and was down lower where my belly tilts out, you would be able to see how big I'm getting). I absolutely love the changes going on with my body. It's so weird, and I have to admit (this is random) that I look ridiculous if I try to dance now. I actually think it's really funny looking when I dance with this growth on me, and can't stop laughing when I do. I just can't move as sexy as I used to;) . . . now it just looks like I'm trying too hard to look like a dancer, but just come across as extremely awkward (kind of like some of the embarrassing dance auditions on So You Think You Can Dance - hey, at least I know I look awkward and can have fun with it).
My flowers look awesome! They've grown so much, and the more I prune them, the more flowers I get. I'm so proud of myself for keeping them not only alive but beautiful as well. My tomato plants have also gotten a lot taller and are starting to get little green tomatoes on them.As it turns out, I've had plenty to blog about. I guess I've really just been lazy.